Commercial Painting Tips

How to Hire the Best Company to Paint Your Hotel

How to Hire the Best Company to Paint Your Hotel

A contemporary painting project can improve your hotel’s curb appeal, protect the structural integrity of the building, increase the property’s appraisal value, and significantly refine your existing design theme. However, it’s important to ensure that you’re hiring a reputable contractor in today’s day and age, especially if you want the job done right the first

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Choosing the Right Colors For Your Commerical Office Space Can Make All the Difference

Choosing the Right Colors for Your Commercial Office Space Can Make All the Difference

The psychology of colors in the workplace is a bit difficult to understand for most people, but once you get the hang of it, you will realize just how important color is in the modern workplace. If your office walls are painted a dull shade of grey, it might be time for a makeover. You

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Does Your Commercial Building Look Dull? It Might Be Time to Paint!

Does Your Commercial Building Look Dull? It Might Be Time to Paint!

If you own a retail business or corporate office building that is starting to lose its attractiveness and shine, it might be time for a new paint job. Painting the exterior of a commercial building is different than doing the same for a residence because different rules apply, thanks to the fact that commercial entities

Does Your Commercial Building Look Dull? It Might Be Time to Paint! Read More »


Professional Commercial Painters Can Help Your Business Stand Out

If you are an owner of a business, you will do anything and everything you can to advertise and attract new customers while keeping your loyal customers interested. This can include quite a few tactics, which includes different kinds of marketing campaigns, regular social media activity, having a store sale, or promote new products. One

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Commercial Painting

Protect Your Commercial Property in Indianapolis With Waterproofing & Sealing

Protect Your Commercial Property in Indianapolis There are quite a few reasons why you should seal & waterproof your commercial property. There’s the most obvious one.  Any property, whether it is commercial or not, should be waterproofed and sealed to avert damage from flooding or leaks. With commercial properties, there’s a need for more watchfulness. If there is any

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Paint Primer in one

Uncovering the Myth of Paint & Primer in One

Uncovering the myth of Paint And Primer in One There’s this myth that has been going on for a while, started by the Bog box stores- One Coat Coverage; Paint and Primer in one. This misconception was obviously started to sell more paints. The truth is that it does not work for the quality-driven client. Let’s see

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