Exterior Painting Tips

What Does Two Coats of Paint on Your Exterior Really Mean?

What Does Two Coats of Paint on Your Exterior Really Mean?

So many painting contractors in the Indianapolis area advertise “2 COATS OF “PREMIUM” PAINT” on their exterior estimates. But what exactly does “2 coats” mean? Let’s take a look… Taking care of your house is definitely your top priority as a homeowner. It’s important to keep things looking as nice as possible. You deserve to

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How to Prepare Your Indianapolis Home for an Exterior Painting Project

If there’s a word that stands out more than others in this title, it’s “exterior.” But before digging deeper into why it’s essential to pay attention to cleaning and surface preparation with exterior walls, you should understand that every surface must be ready for paint. This is as important as any other step in the

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Painting How-to: The Correct Order to Complete Your Project

Painting How-to: The Correct Order to Complete Your Project

For new homeowners, it can feel difficult to figure out how to renovate and freshen up their new homes. There is no need to worry as there are many resources to help with each project. One of these tricky areas is painting. What’s the correct order to do things in? Generally, you want to work

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Preparation Is the Key to Success When Refinishing Your Deck

Preparation Is the Key to Success When Refinishing Your Deck

Even if you purchase the finest wood for your deck, have it meticulously constructed, and then stain and seal it according to the most detailed instructions, you will, at some point in the future, have to take some maintenance steps to protect your investment. To achieve this, you should take the same care that you

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