by fbauthor | Apr 18, 2018 | Exterior Painting Tips
So many painting contractors in the Indianapolis area advertise “2 COATS OF “PREMIUM” PAINT” on their exterior estimates. But what exactly does “2 coats” mean? Let’s take a look… Taking care of your house is definitely...
by fbauthor | Jul 31, 2017 | Interior Painting Tips
No matter if you plan to sell your home in the coming months or just want to improve its appearance for your own peace of mind, it may be time for you to finally start your repainting project. After all, the kitchen evolved into the most important room of the home...
by jflora | Mar 28, 2016 | Exterior Painting Tips, Interior Painting Tips
5 Reasons Why A High Quality Paint Is Worth The Money Shopping for quality paint in Indianapolis is a process that takes into account many considerations. You have to figure out what kind of paint you need, what quality, & what colors. You will also need to figure...