by jflora | Aug 22, 2016 | Interior Painting Tips
How to Brighten Dark Areas or Rooms in Your House with Color When space is at a premium even dark rooms are an asset. White is the color that comes to mind when choosing to light up a room with color. But what if the room has low light coming in, maybe there are few...
by jflora | Jun 27, 2016 | Exterior Painting Tips
How To Wash Painted Walls You love your sunshine yellow walls, but the fingerprints around the switch plate, not to mention the masterpiece created by your two year old call for attention. Before grabbing your spray cleaner and scrubby sponge, you will want to read...
by jflora | Jun 6, 2016 | Cabinet Painting Tips, Commercial Painting Tips, Exterior Painting Tips, Interior Painting Tips
Uncovering the myth of Paint And Primer in One There’s this myth that has been going on for a while, started by the Bog box stores- One Coat Coverage; Paint and Primer in one. This misconception was obviously started to sell more paints. The truth is that it does not...
by jflora | May 23, 2016 | Exterior Painting Tips, Interior Painting Tips
The 5 Most Common Questions We Receive As House Painters As house painters, we are asked a lot of questions by our clients. Clients ask a lot about the cost while others ask about the painting itself. Here are 5 common questions that people ask Flora Brothers...
by jflora | May 9, 2016 | Exterior Painting Tips
Steps to Prepare the Exterior of Your Home for Painting Painting the exterior of your house can be easy if you have the knowledge of how to properly prepare the surfaces. You don’t have to be an expert to obtain good results. All you need is the right exterior paint,...