When you are repainting your home or your fences, you have a lot of decisions to make. You need to decide on the color, finish, whether to use paint or stain and more. It is important to understand the differences between paint and stain and the pros and cons of each. 

What Do Paint and Stain Have in Common?

The main thing that paint and stain have in common is that they both use pigments and another ingredient that allows the color to be applied to a surface. The difference is that paint adheres to the surface, while the surface will absorb the stain. Continue reading to learn the pros and cons of each. 

Pros of Using Paint

One of the benefits of using paint is that it usually needs fewer coats than stain. The type of surface will determine how much stain you need, and if it is dry or especially absorbent, you might need three costs. 

In addition, paint has more color choices. Stain can come in shades, so you can choose dark, medium, or light tones, but paint can come in any color you can imagine. Paint also covers surfaces in a more uniform fashion. You can paint over surfaces that have been painted before, as long as you prepare the surfaces correctly. You won’t be able to use stain on a surface that was previously painted. Finally, there are more types of finishes and sheens available when you use paint. 

Pros of Using Stain

One of the pros of using stain is that it is less expensive than paint. It is also easier to apply, and it is easy to touch up. You will also find that you can apply stain more quickly because you don’t have to use a primer first. If you have wood surfaces and like the look of natural wood, the stain will lock in the look and make it look better. Finally, stain doesn’t peel or crack, and it is less likely to chip than paint. 

How to Decide Which to Use

If you are painting a surface that is natural wood, such as the siding or shingles on your house, you can use stain to enhance the beauty of the natural wood. You can use a stain that shows the natural color of the wood, or you can find a tinted version to make it the color you want it to be. 

However, if you are looking for a more dramatic look, you can choose paint. You will be able to choose the color you use, and there are many to choose from. You will need to make sure that your neighborhood association allows whatever color you choose, but you have more options with paint. 

Final Words

When you are choosing whether you should use paint or stain, you need to consider a few things, including the surface you are painting and what you want it to look like. If you are painting wood that is unfinished, then you might want to use stain to enhance the natural wood. You can use paint if you want to choose a color. Keep this in mind when you choose.