As prices rise everywhere, homeowners are looking for ways to save money at home. One of the best ways to cut costs is by reducing your energy expenses.

You’ve probably heard about buying energy-efficient appliances and using your HVAC systems sparingly. But have you ever considered using low-VOC paints or green power? These eco-friendly tips can really help you cut costs and live more sustainably.

Is Paint Harmful to the Environment?

When you walk into most hardware stores or home improvement centers, you can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer number of paints available. While it might seem as though every paint is created equally, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Some paints are far more harmful to the environment than others. High-VOC paints contain an abundance of chemicals that affect the air we breathe and contribute to climate change.

Other paints create a lot of waste and excess packaging that often end up in landfills. This type of paint is terrible for our environment and will not help you lower your utility bills.

How Can I Use Paint Eco-Consciously?

There are many ways that you can use paint on your home without creating more pollution. These eco-friendly tips can really help you cut costs and live more sustainably:

  1. Consider Low-VOC Paints

Traditional paints emit chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which contribute to air pollution and can be potentially harmful to those with sensitivities, such as asthma patients.

Instead of VOC-based paints, try using low-VOC versions that are just as effective. These paints contain up to 80% less VOCs than traditional paints and still do an excellent job covering your walls. While the up-front cost of low-VOC paints can be slightly higher, you will save money on energy bills due to the paint’s efficiency.

  1. Use Alternative Energy Sources

In the past, it wasn’t always possible for homeowners to generate their own green power. However, recent technological advancements have made this much more feasible.

Nowadays, many homes produce their own solar energy from rooftop panels and even have backup generators in case of a blackout. Not only does this help homeowners save money, but it also helps reduce the stress on our environment.

  1. Paint with Recycled Wallpaper

If you want to go one step further than conventional paints, try using wallpapers that were made from recycled materials. While these papers are harder to find, they can be just as beautiful and will help you save the planet.

Beyond an eco-friendly alternative, recycling old wallpaper is also much cheaper than buying conventional papers. Plus, you can often use your old wallpaper as a template for your new designs!

Save the Environment and Your Budget with Your Paintbrush

Making your home more sustainable doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. By considering low-VOC paints, alternative energy sources, and recycled papers for painting, you can put your green thumb to use without sacrificing your savings.

Reducing your carbon footprint can be as easy as changing your paint color. Get started by contacting a local company that specializes in low-VOC paints and other eco-friendly solutions!